The Morning Hog

WAWA may win more hearts

Last year around this time, WAWA released its first beer called “Wawa Winter Reserve Coffee Stout” and people actually waited in line for over 2 hours to get the deliciousness. Well, they’re at it again…this […]

The Morning Hog

Banks could bank on your habits…

We all know by now that Google and Facebook monitor what you’re looking up and what you’re spending your money on and they sell that to advertisers for a decent chunk…. Well, now banks are […]

The Morning Hog

Oreo revealed its mystery flavor….

Remember a couple months back when we tasted the new Oreo Mystery flavor? Well… They revealed the flavor.. We thought Graham cracker… or maybe Cinnabon… but we were obviously wrong.. It’s CHURRO…and someone won $50,000 […]