Fishermen in New Jersey had a crazy encounter with great white shark that could have been straight out of the 1976 blockbuster “Jaws.” On Monday, Jeff Crilly was out with some friends on his boat, “Big Nutz Required II,” when a great white shark swam up to the stem of the boat and grabbed a bag of chum. It could have been a scene straight out of the 1976 blockbuster “Jaws.”
“Whoah! This thing is huge!” they can be heard yelling in a video posted by Crilly on Facebook. “Holy sh-t!” they cry as the monster shark approaches and circles the boat.“Dude that was the coolest f–ing thing I’ve ever seen, oh my God, dude! Once in a lifetime man.”
Yeah, that’s an understatement. ***Check out the video below and heads up it’s NSFW***
Posted by Jeff Crilly on Monday, June 17, 2019
[h/t app]