In July, we told you about Queen asking fans to help create three new music videos as part of their “You Are the Champions” campaign and wow did they ever come through.Now, as a result of the initiative, “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Don’t Stop Me Now” and “A Kind of Magic” all now have a new music videos that were just released. Each video was created from videos, photos or artwork submitted from more than 10,000 people from over 120 countries.
Each video was created to highlight a different talent. The “Bohemian Rhapsody” video utilizes footage of fans either singing or performing the song on various instruments. The “Don’t Stop Me Now” video is dance-based featuring fans performing a special dance created by Polly Bennett, Bohemian Rhapsody star Rami Malek’s movement coach for the Queen biopic. And finally, the “A Kind of Magic” video is a montage of animated segments and artwork. Among the submissions were paintings, animation, graphic designs and images created by using sand, flowers and more.
You can check out the videos at the band’s YouTube channel here.