Brew Review

AUDIO: Brew Review — Summer drinks.

This weeks Brew Review with Josh and Amelia from S.R. Perrott brings us the tastes of summer. The flavors start with Oskar Blues “Boozy Sparkling Water”… Classic lime, Lemon Agave Hibiscus, Cucumber Peach and Melon […]

The Morning Hog

Well, THAT’S just rude…

There’s a 42 year old woman from London named Deka Ahmed who went to visit her 28 year old EX-boyfriend back in April and she brought a bottle of wine with her. The EX-boyfriend opened […]

The Morning Hog

This is genius!

With the whole pandemic going on, face to face contact is something a lot of people are shying away from. Well, a butcher in New York has found a way to sell his meat without […]

The Morning Hog

Say Cheese!!!

Do you like cheese? Well apparently there’s a surplus of high end cheese because of Covid-19. Dairy farmers had to dump a whole bunch of milk because it would spoil, but the high end cheese…. […]