On todays special edition of The Morning HOG Brew Review, Riggs & Steve were joined by Josh from S.R. Perrott per usual. Only this time, Josh brought with him some Miller Lite, Coors, S.R. Perrott Assistant G.M. Eva McMullin as well as Bruce Rossmeyer’s very own Mandy Rossmeyer. The Brew Review boys were joined by these two lovely ladies in support of the 28th annual Ride For Children benefiting Camp Boggy Creek. Ride For Children is happening on Sun, Oct 2 & it will begin at Destination Daytona. There will be a police escorted, no boots down ride provided by the Volusia Country Sheriff’s Office, silent & live auctions, catered lunch, live entertainment, & more. The cost is: regular rider/passenger-$50 each & VIP rider/passenger-$250 each. For event & registration info, visit www.rideforchildren.com or create your own fundraising page to support our campers. And if you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact the Events Dept. at (352) 483-4125 or cmims@campboggycreek.org. You can also get a discounted rate on your room at Clarion Inn by calling (386) 944-1500 & mentioning “Camp Boggy Creek”. So come on out & join us for a great day of fun & entertainment!! As always, please ride responsibly…….Cheers!!