Derby will take place on Beach street Downtown on Saturday, Oct 22, starting at 3:30.
There will 2 Division races for the Wiener dog derby. 1-pure dachshund breed (No mixed breeds). 2-The Wiener Wannabe division it is open to all breeds that can fit into the starting gates comfortably, and safely.
A completed Registration Form is required for all race participants.
The registration fee for all dogs is $15.00 in advance and $20 the day of (if an open spot is available).
TO REGISTER AND MORE INFO GO TO downtowndaytonabeachevents.com
All proceeds go to Sophie’s Circle dog rescue and pet food pantry. They were greatly impacted by hurricane Ian and are in need of the communities help
Oktoberfest promo pricesIncluded in each one1- empty McKs Growler with a gift certificate for 1 refill 1- 6 pack of German beer1- boot drinking mug1- McKs t shirt1- McKs beer bottle huggie
Other Oktoberfest activities
Block party from 3-10
Lots of German Beer & food, also other food by food trucks
2 bands- Alpenrose- Playing upbeat German dancing/drinking songs 5-6:30
The Love Band playing Rock, pop and RnB in their unique style