The season of Lent is upon us and that means those of Christian faith are fasting and giving up pleasures or vices.
One man, however, looked to history (and his place of employment) for inspiration. Del Hall, of Fifty West Brewing Company, is drinking only beer for 46 days as a nod to the monks’ fasting style. Beer will be the only thing on Hall’s menu and he won’t have solid food until Easter Sunday.
He told WSTP “I’m going to have all styles of beer,” even though his idea came from Bavarian monks in the 1600’s that would fast during the season on a bock beer diet. “Being master brewers, they decided they would take a popular style of beer in Germany, bock beer, make it extra hearty and that would be their liquid bread and that’s what they call it,” he said. “So the monks in Bavaria, they would call doppelbock liquid bread and basically it would sustain them through the 46 days of Lent.”
Hall has some experience fasting though, he previously did a four day water fast, but this is 46 days and that’s a long, long time to sustain on water and beer alone. “I’ve done big challenges but this seems very daunting,” Hall said. “So I’m just curious if I’m up to the challenge, if I’m going to be able to do it or not.”
Dont’ worry about Del though, he has a doctor’s supervision and of course, will be documenting his journey on social media.
[h/t wstp]