Riggs & Steve from The Morning HOG eagerly welcomed Josh from S.R. Perrott for another thirst-quenching Brew Review. Today, Josh brought with him an array of tasty dranks. Back by popular demand from Mike’s Hard is their Mike’s Limeade cruising in at 5% ABV. With a perfect balance of sweet & tart, Mike’s Limeade has the same refreshing taste that you remember. Next up, we have a delicious selection from Twisted Tea with their Pineapple. Twisted Tea Pineapple is refreshingly smooth hard iced tea made with real brewed black tea & a twist of natural pineapple flavor. Non-carbonated, naturally sweetened, & 5% ABV – it’s your favorite iced tea with a juicy twist!
After a short break, the boys returned with a beer from Sam Adams titled Porch Rocker; a 4.5% ABV lemon radler. Sam’s take on this style starts with a golden Helles lager, then adds a unique blend of lemons to capture that fresh-squeezed lemon zest. It’s crisp, light body & clean finish make Porch Rocker the ideal cold beer for hotter days. And batting clean-up is a popular, well established brewery called Sierra Nevada with a new brew called Tropical Little Thing clocking in at 7% ABV. Ditch the mainland with Tropical Little Thing, a hazy island getaway hopped for ripe aromas & flavors of mango, papaya, & passion fruit. Savor this tropical escape before the next hazy IPA rotator hits. That’s gonna do it for this weeks version of The Brew Review. We always appreciate you tuning in & if you wanna drink our dranks, you can find your nearest S.R. Perrott dealer by clicking here. Until we meet again…CHEERS!!