In this weeks installment of Riggs & Guy Brew Review with Josh & Amelia from S.R. Perrott we sampled the new flavors that PBR (Pabst Blue Ribbon) had to offer. Give them a try like we did and you’ll find that they have way more to offer than you may think!
We started with their new Stronger Seltzer (Lime) that clocks in at 8% ABV. Its was light and crisp with that lime flavor you would expect out of a seltzer that says… Lime. We then took on their new PBR Extra which is the same flavor ass the normal PBR you’d see in the red white and blue cans…with just a little more ABV thrown in. It clocks in at 6.5% to be exact!
Next we took a slightly different turn and sampled the PBR hard coffee. Trust us… It’s delicious. It clocks in at just 5% ABV. Finally we finished off with PBR’s Hard Cold Brew. It’s described as “Slightly sweet and dairy free”. It’s kind of like coffee, but without the creamer. This one finishes off at just 4.2% ABV.
You can find all of these fine brew at www.srperrott.com/beerfinder